Gender-based violence in the occupied Palestinian territory
Enhancing equality between men and women in the euromed region regional expert-group meeting on gender-based violence research: concepts, data, methodology and tools
Inequalities facing Women living in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territories
Inter agency emergency standard for prevention of and response to GBV Section 1: Procedures
The Violence survey on the Palestinian society
Managing gender based violence programs in emergencies – E learning companying guide
Mapping of GBV interventions in Palestine
Murder of women in Palestine under the pretext of honour-legislation and jurisprudence analytical study-executive summary
UNFPA strategy and framework for action to Addressing Gender-based Violence 2008-2011
Medical Protocol-Guidelines for Management of Victims of GBV (including sexual violence)
UNFPA Regional Strategy on Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in the Arab States 2014-2017
United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally
Norma Marcos, Palestinienne et féministe de cœur
Suggested Policy Interventions for PLC members for Decreasing Gender Based Discrimination in the Palestinian Territory
Gender Bulletin: 9th GBV learning workshop : exchanging lessons learned on GBV interventions
Gender in the news: a monthly complilation of news issued by the regional gender justice programme
Palestinian women's rights overlooked in favour of national liberation
Droits des femmes au Maroc : bilan et perspectives
Le débat sur le harcèlement sexuel en Égypte - une violence sociale et politique
Le traitement médiatique et les pratiques journalistiques des Violences Faites aux Femmes