UNFPA strategy and framework for action to Addressing Gender-based Violence 2008-2011
This publication identifies priority areas for intensified action on gender-based violence: policy frameworks, data collection and analysis, focus on sexual and reproductive health, humanitarian responses, adolescents and youth, men and boys, faith-based networks, and vulnerable and marginalized populations. It is intended to provide a common platform and technical guidance for UNFPA at country, regional and global levels and effectively guide capacity-development initiatives, resources and partnerships. The strategy also outlines UNFPA's comparative advantages, experience and leadership potential within the context of United Nations reform.
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| 2017-12-22 11:42:00
Document Type
National strategies
United Nations Population Fund (unfpa)
Keywords :
Violence against women// Gender based violence// Sexual violence// Sexual abuse//Exploitation and abuse// Child marriage//Forced marriage//Femla Genital Mitulation// Gender equality// Domestic violence// Trafficking// Physical violence//Psychological violence//Human rights// Women’s rights// Women’s organizations / Harmful traditional practices // Elimination of Violence Against Women//Deprivation of liberty// Sexual harassment// Rape// Reproductive health// empowerment// Gender Mainstreaming//Verbal violence/