United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally
The Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally (GBV Strategy)is released by the US government on August 10, 2012, which lays out a framework to strategically combat various forms of violence, including domestic violence, sex trafficking, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation. To support the strategy, USAID worked with Development and Training Services, Inc. and Chemonics to identify best practices and activities with the potential for scale-up into global and/or multi-country interventions.
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| 2017-12-22 11:42:27
Document Type
National strategies
UNSAID from the american people
Keywords :
Violence against women// Gender based violence// Sexual violence// Exploitation and abuse// Eearly marriage//Forced marriage//Female Genital Mitulation//Child marriage// Gender equality// Domestic violence// Trafficking// Physical violence//Psychological violence//Human rights// Women’s rights// Women’s organizations// Forced prostitution/ Harmful traditional practices // Honor killings// widow Inheritance// Elimination of Violence Against Women//Deprivation of liberty//Economic violence// Sexual harassment// Reproductive health// Empowement/