العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي
نتائج البحث (2053)

Women, Business and the Law 2014 Removing Restrictions to Enhance Gender Equality

Women, Business and the Law 2014 Removing Restrictions to Enhance Gender Equality

Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 18 of the Convention : Fourth and fifth periodic reports of States parties due in 2014 : Lebanon

Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 18 of the Convention : Fourth and fifth periodic reports of States parties due in 2014 : Lebanon

Gender politics in Lebanon and the limits of legal reformism

Gender politics in Lebanon and the limits of legal reformism

Achieving Transformative Feminist Leadership-A Toolkit for Organisations and Movements

Achieving Transformative Feminist Leadership-A Toolkit for Organisations and Movements

African social development index (ASDI): measuring human exclusion for structural transformation

African social development index (ASDI): measuring human exclusion for structural transformation

Dynamics of a Social Norm: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Dynamics of a Social Norm: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Mapping of Gender and Development Initiatives in Lebanon : final report

Mapping of Gender and Development Initiatives in Lebanon : final report

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

Regression or progress? Barriers to equality of economic opportunity and the Arab transitions

Regression or progress? Barriers to equality of economic opportunity and the Arab transitions

Transforming the World of Work for Gender Equality in the Arab Region

Transforming the World of Work for Gender Equality in the Arab Region

Women’s Rights and Gender Equality for Sustainable Development: Discussing the Proposed SDGs within the Context of the Development Problematique in the Arab Region

Women’s Rights and Gender Equality for Sustainable Development: Discussing the Proposed SDGs within the Context of the Development Problematique in the Arab Region

Migration in North African Development Policies and Strategies-A Comparative Analysis

Migration in North African Development Policies and Strategies-A Comparative Analysis

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Gender analysis of existing trade policies and regulatory frameworks within the east African community partner states : an action research

Gender analysis of existing trade policies and regulatory frameworks within the east African community partner states : an action research

Gender Labour Rights and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

Gender Labour Rights and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

Women, Business and Human Rights: paper for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice

Women, Business and Human Rights: paper for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice