Dynamics of a Social Norm: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

This document presents a Manual on Social Norms and Change. This manual This manual was produced by the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Chang. The manual draws on a social norm’s perspective. It uses the definition articulated by the social scientist Cristina Bicchieri, and applies the concepts of social expectations, empirical and normative, to determine whether or not FGM is a social norm in a specific context. The manual also uses and adapts some of the outcomes of the UNICEF Course on Advances in Social Norms, 2010-2015, co-chaired by Cristina Bicchieri and Gerry Mackie at the University of Pennsylvania
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-05 13:38:25
نوع الوثيقة
الأدلة التوجيهية
(منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (اليونسيف
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Gender based violence//Female Genital Mutilation//Cutting//Social norms//Indicator//Child marriage​