UNDP gender strategy : Lebanon

UNDP CO are encouraged to incorporate gender into their work and promote women’s rights and empowerment. This can take place by identifying and establishing benchmarks and minimum standards at three levels: the organization itself, the development intervention, and the larger national context. The key elements targeted by UNDP deal with management of gender-mainstreaming, capacities and enabling environment of the CO, knowledge management, inclusion of gender streamlining within programmes and projects, partnerships built for coordination mechanisms of gender equality, and results/impacts of the CO’s contributions. Therefore, a Gender Strategy at the CO level accounts for this gender design, assesses it, and designs a path of action relevant to it. The UNDP CO in Lebanon has in fact considered gender parity in its operations and assessments of concrete development projects in the country. However, implementation is loose and does not follow a concrete institutional framework with a solid long-term vision. In order to determine the causes and remedies of this deficiency, an assessment of the situation that targets the three aforementioned levels - namely the national context, and the interventions of the CO in Lebanon – is vital. A valid assessment provides the basis for the design of a Gender Strategy that accounts for the flaws and strengths of the CO’s work as well as a plan of action to ensure that staff are held responsible for delivering gender equality results and are aware of the importance of doing so.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-07 15:22:39
نوع الوثيقة
الاستراتيجيات الوطنية
برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي
كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Gender//Gender equality//Women in Lebanon//Bender strategy//Gender based violence//Women and decision making//Women's economic empowerment//Women's rights//Gender approach in the UNDP projects//International treaties//Gender Focal Point//Lebanon/​