Women’s Rights and Gender Equality for Sustainable Development: Discussing the Proposed SDGs within the Context of the Development Problematique in the Arab Region

This paper was prepared by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) as a background paper contributing to the Arab Sustainable Development Report. It focuses on gender equality as a core element to achieve sustainable development. It tackles gender mainstreaming as a strategy to overcome gender inequalities. In addition, this paper discusses proposed sustainable development goals (SDGs) that tackle the gender dimension within the context of the development problematique in Arab countries.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-08 08:52:22
نوع الوثيقة
الورقات العلمية
(لجنة الأمم المتحدة الإقتصادية و الإجتماعية (الإسكوا
كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Women's rights//Gender equality//Sustainable development// Arab Sustainable Development Report//MDGs/Women and education//Women and health//Employment//Rural women/ /Violence against women//Women and political participation/ /Women and gender//SDGs//Investment/ /Trade//Indicators// Arab countries/​