المرأة العربية والبيئة والتغييرات المناخية
نتائج البحث (263)

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Gender and Free Trade Agreements: Best Practices and Policy Guidance

Gender and Free Trade Agreements: Best Practices and Policy Guidance

Gender Strategy : Transforming Equal Opportunity, Access and Benefits for all 2016-2020

Gender Strategy : Transforming Equal Opportunity, Access and Benefits for all 2016-2020

Regional Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Regional Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]

Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]

Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girl

Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girl

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Key messages

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Key messages

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Summary report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Summary report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Full report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Full report

Women’s economic empowerment-Boosting female entrepreneurship in Africa

Women’s economic empowerment-Boosting female entrepreneurship in Africa

Improving access to finance for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa- Good practices and lessons learned

Improving access to finance for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa- Good practices and lessons learned

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals for North Africa

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals for North Africa

Gender guidelines Water supply and sanitation supplement to the guide to gender and development

Gender guidelines Water supply and sanitation supplement to the guide to gender and development

Measuring gender-transformative change, A review of literature and promising practices

Measuring gender-transformative change, A review of literature and promising practices

Lebanon’s response to the agenda set for periodic reporting, pursuant to article 18 of CEDAW

Lebanon’s response to the agenda set for periodic reporting, pursuant to article 18 of CEDAW