Improving access to finance for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa- Good practices and lessons learned

This document presents a study on Improving access to finance for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa, Good practices and lessons learned. This study aims to identify difficulties and discriminations hindering women’s access to and control over funding resources, highlight best practice and analyse prospects for a better adjustment of strategies to enhance rural women’s access to finance, to promote their rights and role as development players. This study also raises the issue of how to develop rural areas through integrated development programs, in order to help stabilize women - but also educated rural girls - in their home environment, to root them deeply in that environment particularly by improving its economic attractiveness. Access to finance and qualitative support, along with the creation of alternatives and opportunities in new sectors such as information technologies, activities related to ecotourism and green economy, are a few of the courses of action this study recommends for consideration.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-03-19 09:58:38
نوع الوثيقة
اللجنة الاقتصادية لإفريقيا
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Rural women//North Africa//Development// Rural women’s empowerment// Indicators// Informal economy// Women in Agriculture// Invisible work//Vulnerable employment// Lessons learned// Tunisia// Morocco// Algeria//Egypt​