Women’s economic empowerment-Boosting female entrepreneurship in Africa

This document presents a report on Women’s economic empowerment-Boosting female entrepreneurship in Africa. Women’s economic empowerment is a process through which their capital (human, financial and physical) endowments increase along with their access to and benefits from economic opportunities, leading to improved agency and voice. Improving women’s labour market skills and increasing their financial and physical assets can not only empower women directly, but also improve their access to decent employment, with higher wages, better career prospects and competitive business performance.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-12 13:53:52
نوع الوثيقة
منظمة الأمم المتحدة
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Gender//Gender Equality// Women's economic empowerment//Women and decision making//Women and labour//Women and informal sector// Women's rights// Human rights//Indicators//Women and access to financial services ​