المرأة العربية وحقوق الإنسان والتشريعات
نتائج البحث (1635)

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

To serve and to protect- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law for Police and Security Forces-updated version

To serve and to protect- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law for Police and Security Forces-updated version

Measuring gender-transformative change, A review of literature and promising practices

Measuring gender-transformative change, A review of literature and promising practices

National Action plan on women, peace and security 2016-2019

National Action plan on women, peace and security 2016-2019

The Participation of Women in Peace Processes. The Other Tables

The Participation of Women in Peace Processes. The Other Tables

Lebanon’s response to the agenda set for periodic reporting, pursuant to article 18 of CEDAW

Lebanon’s response to the agenda set for periodic reporting, pursuant to article 18 of CEDAW

Training Manual: Gender Leadership in Humanitarian Action Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and Practice in the Humanitarian System

Training Manual: Gender Leadership in Humanitarian Action Institutionalizing Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and Practice in the Humanitarian System

Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights An Oxfam Guide-Understanding how leadership can create sustainable change that promotes women’s rights and gender equality

Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights An Oxfam Guide-Understanding how leadership can create sustainable change that promotes women’s rights and gender equality

Women, peace and security Handbook: Compilation and analysis of United Nations Security Council Resolution Language 2000-2012

Women, peace and security Handbook: Compilation and analysis of United Nations Security Council Resolution Language 2000-2012

Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations: Connections between Presence and Influence

Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations: Connections between Presence and Influence

Respect our Rights-Partnership for Equality- Report on the Dialogue with Refugee Women_20-22 june 2001

Respect our Rights-Partnership for Equality- Report on the Dialogue with Refugee Women_20-22 june 2001

Equality and the Economy: Why the Arab World Should Employ More women

Equality and the Economy: Why the Arab World Should Employ More women

Women, work and family in the Arab region: Toward economic citizenship

Women, work and family in the Arab region: Toward economic citizenship

Observatory of jurisprudence on women's rights in Tunisia

Observatory of jurisprudence on women's rights in Tunisia