Women, Business, and the Law 2018

Women, business and the law 2018 is the fifth edition in a series of biennial reports measuring the legal obstacles to women who engage in economic activity around the world. Since the World Bank started this study a decade ago, our understanding has increased about how laws influence women’s decisions to start and run businesses or get jobs. The analysis draws on newly-collected data across seven indicators: accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, going to court, building credit, and protecting women from violence. The study expands coverage to 189 economies around the world. The data show the challenge many women face in the quest for economic opportunity. One hundred and four economies still prevent women from working in certain jobs, simply because they are women. In 59 economies there are no laws on sexual harassment in the workplace. And in 18 economies, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working. By informing politicians about the legal obstacles to women’s economic opportunities, women, business and the law contributes towards promoting gender equality. The study celebrates the progress that has been made while emphasizing the work that remains to ensure equality of opportunity.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-10 14:47:41
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كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Women and economic participation///Gender equality//Women rights//Women Empowerment//Economic development/ /Employment//Trade//Investment// Labour laws//Business/ /women's entre­preneurship//Women and Labour//Combat gender based violence//Indicators/​