Arab women, human rights and legislation
Search Results (1626)

Feminist leadership for social transformation-clearing the conceptual cloud

Feminist leadership for social transformation-clearing the conceptual cloud

Institutions, Law and Practices Hampering Women Engagement

Institutions, Law and Practices Hampering Women Engagement

Institutions, Law and Practices Hampering Women Engagement

Institutions, Law and Practices Hampering Women Engagement

Freedom of association in Jordan- “The new trade unions, controversy of legitimacy”

Freedom of association in Jordan- “The new trade unions, controversy of legitimacy”

Gender equality in public administration-project brief

Gender equality in public administration-project brief

Implementation of Iraq National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325

Implementation of Iraq National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

Opening Doors Gender Equality and Development in the Middle East and North Africa

Opening Doors Gender Equality and Development in the Middle East and North Africa

Women’s Economic Empowerment in Selected MENA Countries: The Impact of Legal Frameworks in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia

Women’s Economic Empowerment in Selected MENA Countries: The Impact of Legal Frameworks in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework

IDAL and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

IDAL and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Cost of gender inequality unrealized potential : the high cost of gender inequality in earnings

The Cost of gender inequality unrealized potential : the high cost of gender inequality in earnings

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Turning promises into action: gender equality in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Where are the women : Inclusive Boardrooms in Africa’s top listed companies?

Where are the women : Inclusive Boardrooms in Africa’s top listed companies?

An Examination of the Gender Implications of trade Liberalisation in Southern Africa

An Examination of the Gender Implications of trade Liberalisation in Southern Africa

Gender analysis of existing trade policies and regulatory frameworks within the east African community partner states : an action research

Gender analysis of existing trade policies and regulatory frameworks within the east African community partner states : an action research

Gender and Trade in Africa : towards an agenda for gender equity in trade policies, agreements and outcome

Gender and Trade in Africa : towards an agenda for gender equity in trade policies, agreements and outcome