Agreement on the global system of trade preferences among developing countries
This Agreement on the Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries (GSTP) was established in 1988 as a framework for the exchange of trade preferences among developing countries in order to promote intra-developing-country trade.
Following are several principles and features of the Agreement:
-The GSTP is reserved for the exclusive participation of members of the Group of 77 and China and the benefits accrue to those members that are also ´´participants" in the Agreement.
-The GSTP must be based and applied on the principle of mutuality of advantages in such a way as to benefit equitably all participants, taking into account their respective levels of economic development and trade needs. The Agreement recognizes the special needs of the LDCs and envisages concrete preferential measures in their favour.
-To provide a stable basis for GSTP preferential trade, tariff preferences are bound and form part of the Agreement.
-The GSTP must be negotiated step-by-step and improved and extended in successive stages, with periodic reviews.
-The GSTP must supplement and reinforce present and future sub regional, regional and interregional economic groupings of developing countries and must take into account their concerns and commitments.
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| 2019-02-09 11:03:56
Document Type
Free Trade Agreement
United Nations
Keywords :
/Free Trade//Liberalisation of trade//Economic relations//Trade relations//Bilateral cooperation//Agreement on the Global System of Trade Preferences//Developing Countries//Algeria//Tunisia/ /Morocco//Egypt//Sudan//Iraq//Libya/