Global Technical Consultation on essential policing and justice sector services to respond to violence against women and girls Justice Sector’s Response to Violence against Women and Girls BACKGROUND PAPER 22 June 2014

This background paper is intended to provide i) the context for the identification of essential justice sector services, ii) the core elements of these services and iii) the standards and guidelines needed for the provision of a quality justice responses to all women and girls who are victims and survivors of violence, including those living in low to middle income countries. This paper is one of two papers developed for the Global Technical Consultation on essential policing and justice sector services and therefore will focus more on the broader justice sector response while highlighting issues of mutual concern or overlap with the police services and response. The importance of holistic and multi-sectoral approaches will also be acknowledged throughout the paper. Coordinated interventions operating at multiple levels, across sectors and over multiple time-frames are more likely to address the various aspects of and therefore have greater impact on confronting VAW. This paper explores key issues and raises questions that are critical to developing and implementing a quality justice response to VAW, one that builds on norms and guidelines at the global and regional levels, as well as available and well-tested national practices. It is meant to assist the experts at the consultation meeting in their development of a practical tool for justice providers in all countries in ensuring that women have access to essential justice services, protection and redress.
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CAWTAR | 2018-04-12 11:05:33
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Keywords :
​the justice sector​//​a women​