Child Bride in Jordan Puts Daughters on same Path

This document presents an article on Child Bride in Jordan Puts Daughters on same Path. This article gives testimonies of women’s subject their daughters to drudgery, deny them education and threaten them with early marriage and other human rights abuses. One family's story suggests, are women who've gone through just that themselves. Early marriage is considered a human rights violation, according to UNICEF. The organization notes that child marriage is often linked to abuse and results in the denial of education. It is also associated with heightened risks of maternal and infant mortality.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:13:24
Document Type
Arab Women Media Watch in the U.k
Keywords :
​Early marriage// Sexual violence //Gender based violence// Children rights// Harmful practices//Indicator//Gender Equity//Violence against women// Child marriage​​​​​​