Resolution 70-109. A world against violence and violent extremism

This document presents Resolution 70-109 on a world against violence and violent extremism, adopted by the General Assembly at the 70th session. In this resolution, the GA urges all Member States to confront all forms and manifestations of violent extremism and denominational violence, encourages leaders' efforts to discuss the causes of violence in their communities Violent extremism and discrimination and develop strategies to address these causes, and stresses the importance of States firmly condemning all forms of violence against women and refraining from invoking custom, tradition or To escape their obligation to eliminate these forms of violence in accordance with the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:10:36
Document Type
Conventions and sharts
United Nations
Keywords :
​Gender based violence//Violence against women// confessionnal vionece//Women rights// Human rights//Politique violence//Convention//Resolution​