Resolution 52-86-Crime prevention and criminal justice measures to eliminate violence against women

This document presents resolution 52-86 adopted by the General Assembly at its fifty-second session on crime prevention and criminal justice measures to eliminate violence against women. This decision aims to ensure that women are treated fairly by the criminal justice system and to improve the safety of women at home and in society at large. It also aims to promote the safety of women in their homes and in society as a whole, including specific crime prevention strategies that truly reflect women's everyday situations and meet their particular needs in areas such as development Social development, living arrangements and preventive education and the inclusion of a gender perspective after the formulation of policies, strategies and programs and their implementation in the area of crime and criminal justice, Which can help eliminate violence against women and gender bias in the administration of criminal justice. This resolution includes other measures in crime prevention and criminal justice to eliminate Violence Against Women and an annex on Strategies and Practical Measures for the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Violence against Women, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:09:45
Document Type
Conventions and sharts
United Nations
Keywords :
​Violence against women // Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women // CEDAW// Gender equality // Human Rights // Equality between women and men Men // Gender based Violence // Resolution //Harassment //Women Rights//Domestic violence​