Violence against Women in Tunisia

This document presents a PowerPoint presentation on the current situation according to the national survey on violence towards women in Tunisia “ENVEFT”, 2010. It is the first survey in Tunisia on the topic to be led in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations, adopting globally recognized protocols and definitions. This helped to address one of the major challenges of surveys on the subject of violence against women, according to one of the concluding statements of the ENVEFT. By applying operational definitions, it allows for estimates and categorizations of violence and comparisons at a national and international level.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 14:29:07
Document Type
Office National de la Famille et de la Population
Keywords :
Violence against women// Gender based violence// Gender stereotypes // Domestic Violence //Sexual violence //Physical violence // Rape //Sexual Harassment // Women's Rights //Human Rights // Gender Equality // Associations feminist// non-governmental organizations // CEDAW //