A study on early marriage in Jordan 2014

This report is based on research and analysis conducted by AYA Consultancy for Development, using datavshared by the Department of the Chief Justice (Qadi al Qudah) and the Government of Jordan’s Department of Statistics. Particular recognition should be given to the support and guidance of the Chief Justice, Samahat Sheikh Hillael, with deep appreciation also to Sheikh Essam Arabiyat, head of all shari‘a courts. This assessment was made possible in part by support from the governments of Sweden and Canada
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:38:29
Document Type
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG)
United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef)
Keywords :
Gender-based violence// United Nations// // Sexual Violence// Early marriage//Forced marriage// Women and education//Women and Health//exploitation or abuse for the girls//indicator// Sexual Exploitation and Abuse// Reproductive health//Humanitarian organizations//Rights of the Child