A call to action on gender and humanitarian reform From the Call to Action on Violence Against Women and Girls in Emergencies to the World Humanitarian Summit

This policy briefing paper outlines practical and policy-relevant ways forward for the Call to Action on Violence Against Women and Girls, drawing on CARE’s extensive experience in supporting humanitarian aid and protection for women and girls on the ground in some of the world’s most difficult crises, including Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. The paper previews findings from forthcoming reasearch into the extent to which global humanitarian funding is addressing gender objectives. It includes recommendations for governments, the UN and other institutions, and NGOs on steps to translate the Call to Action commitments into action, including: - bringing more effective approaches to gender equity and gender-based violence into wider global humanitarian reforms, especially deliberations towards the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit - enhancing accountability through more comprehensive and aligned approaches to Gender Markers - supporting the scaling-up of frontline sexual and reproductive health in emergencies programmes - Enhancing efforts to engage southern women’s civil society groups in humanitarian policy and practice.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:38:27
Document Type
Policy briefs
Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG)
The democratic association of women in Morocco
CARE International
Keywords :
Violence against women//Gender objectives//gender equity// Gender-based violence// Sexual and reproductive health//United Nations// Non Governmental Organization// Sexual Violence in Conflict//indicator// GBV and gender in emergencies// women’s rights