Implementation Plan : Program ACCESS INNOVATION (PAI) : Increasing capacities for economic and social growth through innovation [VOLUNTARY COOPERATION PROGRAM (2015-2020)]
SADC Guidelines on gender responsive budgeting
The EU's Trade Policy: from gender-blind to gender-sensitive
The Global Gender and Economic Policy Management Initiative
Trade and Gender : Advances in the Process of Gender Mainstreaming in Operations
Trade and gender in Bangladesh : a legal and regulatory analysis
Trade and Gender – exploring a reciprocal relationship: Approaches to mitigate and measure gender-related trade impacts.
Trade, sustainable development and gender : Papers prepared in support of the themes discussed at the PreUNCTAD X Expert Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Gender (Geneva, 12-13 July 1999).
Women, Business and Human Rights: paper for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice
Women, peace and Security : DFAT’s implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325