Inventory of United Nations system activities to prevent and eliminate violence against women
This inventory gives an overview of past and ongoing activities on violence against women by the entities of the United Nations system, including those which will contribute to the achievement of the five key outcomes of the Secretary-Generalʼs Campaign by 2015. It is compiled by the Division for the Advancement of Women, now part of UN Women, as a contribution to the work of the Task Force on violence against women of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality. It is intended to further the objective of the Task Force to pursue systematic and timely information exchange among entities of the United Nations system about existing and planned
strategies, programmes and activities on violence against women, at global, regional and national level.
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| 2023-12-14 14:56:16
Document Type
United Nations
Keywords :
violence against women//gender-based violenceʼ//sexual vioence//physical violence//psychological violence//decrimination//women rights