Feminist and Women’s Movements in the Context of Ending Violence against Women and Girls – Implications for Funders and Grant Makers (AN EXTERNAL LITERATURE REVIEW)
A core purpose of this learning journey is to help develop a framework for assessing the UN Trust Fund’s contributions to CSOs/WROs to support women’s/feminist movements centred on EVAWG.
This working paper – an external literature review on feminist and women’s movements in the context of EVAWG, including documented literature on the role of funders and grant makers – summarizes the first part of the journey. It aims to document some key concepts, frameworks and areas that the UN Trust Fund and partners can draw on for future learning activities. The first section provides a broad summary of social movements, and of movement ecologies and constituents. This is followed by a more specific focus on women’s and feminist movements, their relationship with EVAWG and their funding.
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| 2023-10-11 08:58:36
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Keywords :
social movements//feminist movements//women’s rights//gender justice//violence against women