Impact of Gender and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Culture

This publication presents an experiment was conducted to study the impact of leader’s feminine traits and transformational leadership on organizational culture, using a sample of 109 MBA students from a leading management institute in India. A 2x2 design with four leadership scenarios—transformational feminine leader, transformational masculine leader, feminine leader, and absence of a leader—was used, and 54 characteristics of organizational culture were measured. Results of (non-parametric) Kruskal Wallis and Median tests show that feminine leadership enhances people-orientation, collaboration, and team-orientation and reduces aggressiveness, competitiveness, and results-orientation. Transformational leadership enhances competitiveness, achievement-orientation, performance expectations, results-orientation, innovation, and using opportunities, and reduces stability, predictability, and security of employment. Results also show that transformational leadership and femininity together enhance achievement-orientation and reduce stability. Studies have shown that leadership has an impact on the culture of an organization.
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Keywords :
Gender// Transformational Leadership//Organizational Culture// Transformational masculine leader// Transformational masculine leader// Feminine leadership // feminine leader