Cultivating Resilient Institutions in the Arab Region-National Women’s Machineries in Challenging Times

This document presents a study on Cultivating Resilient Institutions in the Arab Region-National Women’s Machineries in Challenging Times This study focuses on the unique aspect of how conflict, occupation and formal political transitions affect the work of National Women’s Machineries and examines the mechanisms for cultivating resilience in National Women’s Machineries in the Arab region utilizing the framework proposed by Judith Rodin in The Resilience Dividend: Being Strong in a World Where Things Go Wrong (2014). The characteristics for building resilient institutions – Awareness, Diversity, Integrated, Self-regulating and Adaptive – are applied to the work of National Women’s Machineries in four States (Jordan, which is hosting a sizeable refugee population; the State of Palestine, which is under occupation; Tunisia, which has gone through a formal political transition; and Yemen, which is conflict-affected) to obtain examples of good or unique practice.
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CAWTAR | 2019-05-01 08:33:10
Document Type
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
Keywords :
Gender//Women Cultivating Resilient// Arab Region//National Women’s Machineries // Gender//Gender mainstreaming//Gender responsive//Gender Equality//Women empowerment//Violence against women