Countering gender-based violence initiative -MENA, Context Analysis

The Countering Gender Based Violence (GBV) Initiative is being implemented by Banyan Global and its partners, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR). The objective of this task order is to 1) produce regional and country-specific indices on the socio-economic costs of gender-based violence (domestic violence, early and forced marriage, and public sexual harassment) in USAID presence countries including: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, West Bank and Gaza , and Tunisia; 2) adapt existing training resources using information from the indices and deliver training and technical support to USAID Mission staff to integrate GBV considerations throughout programming; and 3) adapt existing training resources to provide technical assistance and training to civil society groups and other donors in the region.
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Document Type
United States Agency for International Development
Keywords :
Gender based violence//Domestic violence//Sexual violence//Conflict related violence// Costs of violence//Physical violence//Psychological violence//Early marriage//Forced marriage//Sexual harassement//