العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي
نتائج البحث (2053)

A Qualitative Study on War, Masculinities, and Gender Relations with Lebanese and Syrian Refugee Men and Women

A Qualitative Study on War, Masculinities, and Gender Relations with Lebanese and Syrian Refugee Men and Women

A whole school approach to prevent school-related gender-based violence: minimum standards and monitoring framework

A whole school approach to prevent school-related gender-based violence: minimum standards and monitoring framework

Charter of demands a gendered disaster response plan -Learning from the past

Charter of demands a gendered disaster response plan -Learning from the past

Cyberviolences conjugales, recherche-action menée auprès de femmes victimes de violences conjugales et des professionnel-le-s les accompagnant

Cyberviolences conjugales, recherche-action menée auprès de femmes victimes de violences conjugales et des professionnel-le-s les accompagnant

Décret gouvernemental n° 2020-126 du 25 février 2020, portant création de l’observatoire national pour la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes

Décret gouvernemental n° 2020-126 du 25 février 2020, portant création de l’observatoire national pour la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes

Gender, Employment and the Informal Economy, Glossary of Terms

Gender, Employment and the Informal Economy, Glossary of Terms

Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls_july 2020

Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls_july 2020

Status of Arab Women Report 2017 Violence Against Women-What Is at Stake?

Status of Arab Women Report 2017 Violence Against Women-What Is at Stake?

A summary of the papers presented at the international symposium on the right to difference Tunisia 18-19 January

A summary of the papers presented at the international symposium on the right to difference Tunisia 18-19 January

Algéria: Comprehensive reforms needed to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls

Algéria: Comprehensive reforms needed to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls

Changing the Culture, Tackling gender-based violence, harassment and hate crime : two years on

Changing the Culture, Tackling gender-based violence, harassment and hate crime : two years on

UfM I Conference On Disability And Social Inclusion In The Mediterranean 26-27 Januray 2022 Final Report

UfM I Conference On Disability And Social Inclusion In The Mediterranean 26-27 Januray 2022 Final Report