المرأة العربية والإعلام وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
نتائج البحث (132)

The New Tunisian Legislative Framework: A Focus on Press and Audiovisual Media

The New Tunisian Legislative Framework: A Focus on Press and Audiovisual Media

Le traitement médiatique et les pratiques journalistiques des Violences Faites aux Femmes

Le traitement médiatique et les pratiques journalistiques des Violences Faites aux Femmes

Women’s rights protection instruments ratified by Djibouti

Women’s rights protection instruments ratified by Djibouti

AGAINST WIND AND TIDES : A Review of the Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region- 20 Years after the Adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

AGAINST WIND AND TIDES : A Review of the Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region- 20 Years after the Adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

Combating Domestic Violence against Women and Girls: Policies to Empower Women in the Arab Region

Combating Domestic Violence against Women and Girls: Policies to Empower Women in the Arab Region

Combating Violence against Women in the Arab Region: Multisectoral Efforts

Combating Violence against Women in the Arab Region: Multisectoral Efforts

Policy brief Combating Domestic Violence against Women and Girls: Policies to Empower Women in the Arab Region

Policy brief Combating Domestic Violence against Women and Girls: Policies to Empower Women in the Arab Region

Social and Economic Situation of Palestinian women 2009-2011

Social and Economic Situation of Palestinian women 2009-2011

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

National Strategy for Women in Lebanon 2011-2021: National Action Plan (2017-2019)

Directory of ICT companies in Lebanon : 2018

Directory of ICT companies in Lebanon : 2018

Women in Kuwaiti Media A Modest Coverage of Tremendous Achievements

Women in Kuwaiti Media A Modest Coverage of Tremendous Achievements

African Women and ICTS, investigating technology, gender and empowerment

African Women and ICTS, investigating technology, gender and empowerment

Information Lives of the Poor, Fighting Poverty with Technology

Information Lives of the Poor, Fighting Poverty with Technology

Use of mobile phones by the rural poor, Gender perspectives from selected Asian countries

Use of mobile phones by the rural poor, Gender perspectives from selected Asian countries