المرأة العربية وصنع القرار
نتائج البحث (899)

Women's Political Participation: Moroccan Experience On Display Before IPU Assembly

Women's Political Participation: Moroccan Experience On Display Before IPU Assembly

Are Quotas Necessary to have more Women in Parliament?

Are Quotas Necessary to have more Women in Parliament?

Will the Arab Spring influence Moroccan Women Participation in Politics and Decision Making?

Will the Arab Spring influence Moroccan Women Participation in Politics and Decision Making?

Opinions on Women s Involvement in Politics & Decision-Making Positions

Opinions on Women s Involvement in Politics & Decision-Making Positions

Challenges Facing Women's Political Participation (Studying Jordan Case)

Challenges Facing Women's Political Participation (Studying Jordan Case)

Facts and Figures: Leadership and Political Participation Women in parliaments

Facts and Figures: Leadership and Political Participation Women in parliaments

Canada to support women’s political leadership in Middle East, North Africa

Canada to support women’s political leadership in Middle East, North Africa

Women Leaders of the Middle East: Leena Al Olaimy, Helping MENA Find Its Green Side

Women Leaders of the Middle East: Leena Al Olaimy, Helping MENA Find Its Green Side

Strengthening women's leadership and participation in politics and decision making process in Algéria, Morocco and Tunisia : mapping of the situation

Strengthening women's leadership and participation in politics and decision making process in Algéria, Morocco and Tunisia : mapping of the situation

Analytical Paper on results of the mapping of GBV interventions in Palestine

Analytical Paper on results of the mapping of GBV interventions in Palestine

Inequalities facing Women living in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territories

Inequalities facing Women living in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territories

Inter agency emergency standard for prevention of and response to GBV Section 1: Procedures

Inter agency emergency standard for prevention of and response to GBV Section 1: Procedures

Suggested Policy Interventions for PLC members for Decreasing Gender Based Discrimination in the Palestinian Territory

Suggested Policy Interventions for PLC members for Decreasing Gender Based Discrimination in the Palestinian Territory