المرأة العربية وصنع القرار
نتائج البحث (899)

Political empowerment:Palestinian women in politics

Political empowerment:Palestinian women in politics

Building Democracy in Egypt: Women’s Political Participation Political Party Life and Democratic Elections

Building Democracy in Egypt: Women’s Political Participation Political Party Life and Democratic Elections

Report of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice on its mission to Tunisia (from 7 to 11 January 2013)

Report of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice on its mission to Tunisia (from 7 to 11 January 2013)

Yemen’s Women and the Quest for Change Political Participation after the Arab Revolution

Yemen’s Women and the Quest for Change Political Participation after the Arab Revolution

Advancing palestinian refugee women in lebanon gender equality

Advancing palestinian refugee women in lebanon gender equality

Regional Meeting on Women's Empowerment in The Economic, Social and Political Transformation of The Middle Mast

Regional Meeting on Women's Empowerment in The Economic, Social and Political Transformation of The Middle Mast

AMAL: Supporting Women’s Transformative Leadership in Changing Times in Middle East and North Africa

AMAL: Supporting Women’s Transformative Leadership in Changing Times in Middle East and North Africa

Strengthening the role of women parliamentarians in the arab region: challenges and options

Strengthening the role of women parliamentarians in the arab region: challenges and options

EGYPT: Women Get Help on Road to Parliament

EGYPT: Women Get Help on Road to Parliament

The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation

The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation

Women, law, and judicial decisio-making in the Middle East and North Africa:toward gender justice

Women, law, and judicial decisio-making in the Middle East and North Africa:toward gender justice

Women in post-revolutionary Tunisia : political inclusion and prospects for the future

Women in post-revolutionary Tunisia : political inclusion and prospects for the future

Feminist Leadership for Social Transformation: Clearing the Conceptual Cloud

Feminist Leadership for Social Transformation: Clearing the Conceptual Cloud