المرأة العربية وصنع القرار
نتائج البحث (899)

Wishes, Demands and Priorities of National and Regional Women’s Organisations in the MENA Region

Wishes, Demands and Priorities of National and Regional Women’s Organisations in the MENA Region

The Arab Civil Society Confronting Social Risks-A Critical Review- “Executive summary”

The Arab Civil Society Confronting Social Risks-A Critical Review- “Executive summary”

Women’s political participation across the Arab region: Mapping of existing and new emerging forces in the region

Women’s political participation across the Arab region: Mapping of existing and new emerging forces in the region

Gender equality policy in Tunisia

Gender equality policy in Tunisia

Reflections on Women in the Arab Spring: Women’s Voices from Around the World.

Reflections on Women in the Arab Spring: Women’s Voices from Around the World.

Arab Women: duality of deprivation in decision-making under patriarchal authority

Arab Women: duality of deprivation in decision-making under patriarchal authority

Arab spring or arab autumn? Women’s political participation in the uprisings and beyond: Implications for international donor policy

Arab spring or arab autumn? Women’s political participation in the uprisings and beyond: Implications for international donor policy

Enhancing women 's political participationand leadership in MENA 2012-2015

Enhancing women 's political participationand leadership in MENA 2012-2015

Women’s electoral participation in egypt:the implications of gender for voter recruitment and mobilization

Women’s electoral participation in egypt:the implications of gender for voter recruitment and mobilization

Women's political participation in tunisia after the revolution

Women's political participation in tunisia after the revolution

Gender and the arab spring: Lessons from tolitical transitions in tunisia, egypt, and libya

Gender and the arab spring: Lessons from tolitical transitions in tunisia, egypt, and libya

Women and the arab spring:a window of opportunity or more of the same

Women and the arab spring:a window of opportunity or more of the same