المرأة العربية وصنع القرار
نتائج البحث (899)

The evolution of women in middle eastern politics opportunities for women in parliament

The evolution of women in middle eastern politics opportunities for women in parliament

Arab Women and Political Development

Arab Women and Political Development

The Arab States:Enhancing Women’s Political Participation

The Arab States:Enhancing Women’s Political Participation

Media Coverage of Women’s Political Participation in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia (Media Exercise Synthesis Report)

Media Coverage of Women’s Political Participation in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia (Media Exercise Synthesis Report)

Mapping of the Situation of Women Participation in Politics in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

Mapping of the Situation of Women Participation in Politics in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

Working Politically Behind Red Lines: Structure and agency in a comparative study of women’s coalitions in Egypt and Jordan

Working Politically Behind Red Lines: Structure and agency in a comparative study of women’s coalitions in Egypt and Jordan

Traditional and new forms of young women’s political engagement in a transitional context TUNISIA AS EXAMPLE

Traditional and new forms of young women’s political engagement in a transitional context TUNISIA AS EXAMPLE

Arab Spring or Arab Autumn? Women’s political participation in the uprisings and beyond: Implications for international donor policy

Arab Spring or Arab Autumn? Women’s political participation in the uprisings and beyond: Implications for international donor policy

Diversity and female political participation: views on and from the Arab world

Diversity and female political participation: views on and from the Arab world

Women & Politics from the Perspective of Islamic Movements in Jordan

Women & Politics from the Perspective of Islamic Movements in Jordan

Political Forces and those Leading the Transitional Period Need to Integrate Women in a Fair and Equitable Manner within the Roadmap of June 30

Political Forces and those Leading the Transitional Period Need to Integrate Women in a Fair and Equitable Manner within the Roadmap of June 30

Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly Gender Assessment

Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly Gender Assessment

Policy Brief: Women and Political Representation in the Arab Region

Policy Brief: Women and Political Representation in the Arab Region

Women’s Political Participation in Tunisia after the Revolution

Women’s Political Participation in Tunisia after the Revolution

The State of Local Democracy in the Arab World: A Regional Report

The State of Local Democracy in the Arab World: A Regional Report