نتائج البحث (4934)

Gender Differences and Transformational Leadership Behavior: Do Both German Men and Women Lead in the Same Way?

Gender Differences and Transformational Leadership Behavior: Do Both German Men and Women Lead in the Same Way?

Gender differences in transformational leadership among the field leaders of New South Wales Police students

Gender differences in transformational leadership among the field leaders of New South Wales Police students

Guidance for Creating College and University Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs and Policies for Students

Guidance for Creating College and University Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs and Policies for Students

Journal of Women and Human Rights in the Middle East. A Change of Seasons for Arab Women?

Journal of Women and Human Rights in the Middle East. A Change of Seasons for Arab Women?

Sexual violence against female university students in the U.K. A case study

Sexual violence against female university students in the U.K. A case study



The Status & Progress of Women in the Middle East & North Africa

The Status & Progress of Women in the Middle East & North Africa

Understanding Masculinities: Results from the international men and gender equality survey (images) – Middle East and North Africa

Understanding Masculinities: Results from the international men and gender equality survey (images) – Middle East and North Africa

UNSCR 1325 in the Middle East and North Africa-Women and Security

UNSCR 1325 in the Middle East and North Africa-Women and Security

Changing the culture Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students

Changing the culture Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students

Violence and health in Sweden- A National Prevalence Study on Exposure to Violence among Women and Men and its Association to Health

Violence and health in Sweden- A National Prevalence Study on Exposure to Violence among Women and Men and its Association to Health

Women as Transformational Leaders : Learning to Lead in the Community College

Women as Transformational Leaders : Learning to Lead in the Community College

Feminist Transformative Leadership, A learning experience with peasant and gatherer women in Brazil

Feminist Transformative Leadership, A learning experience with peasant and gatherer women in Brazil

Guidelines to Estimate the Economic Cost of Domestic Violence in the Arab Region

Guidelines to Estimate the Economic Cost of Domestic Violence in the Arab Region

Indicateur de développement régional, Etude comparative en termes de développement régional de la Tunisie

Indicateur de développement régional, Etude comparative en termes de développement régional de la Tunisie

Justice de genre en résilience pour atteindre le plein fonctionnement du système

Justice de genre en résilience pour atteindre le plein fonctionnement du système