نتائج البحث (4934)

The EU's Trade Policy: from gender-blind to gender-sensitive

The EU's Trade Policy: from gender-blind to gender-sensitive

The Global Gender and Economic Policy Management Initiative

The Global Gender and Economic Policy Management Initiative

Trade and Gender : Advances in the Process of Gender Mainstreaming in Operations

Trade and Gender : Advances in the Process of Gender Mainstreaming in Operations

Trade and gender in Bangladesh : a legal and regulatory analysis

Trade and gender in Bangladesh : a legal and regulatory analysis

Trade and Gender – exploring a reciprocal relationship: Approaches to mitigate and measure gender-related trade impacts.

Trade and Gender – exploring a reciprocal relationship: Approaches to mitigate and measure gender-related trade impacts.

Trade, sustainable development and gender : Papers prepared in support of the themes discussed at the PreUNCTAD X Expert Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Gender (Geneva, 12-13 July 1999).

Trade, sustainable development and gender : Papers prepared in support of the themes discussed at the PreUNCTAD X Expert Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Gender (Geneva, 12-13 July 1999).

Women, Business and Human Rights: paper for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice

Women, Business and Human Rights: paper for the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice

Women, peace and Security : DFAT’s implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Women, peace and Security : DFAT’s implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Women’s Empowerment Principles, the UN Global Compact and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights - Explanatory Note

Women’s Empowerment Principles, the UN Global Compact and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights - Explanatory Note

Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girl

Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girl

Regional Organizations, Gender Equality and the Political Empowerment of Women

Regional Organizations, Gender Equality and the Political Empowerment of Women

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Key messages

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Key messages

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Summary report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Summary report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Full report

Report on the Sustainable Development Goals sustainable development goals for the North Africa subregion-Full report

The Economic Situation in Egypt in the Context of Political instability and a Risky Transition

The Economic Situation in Egypt in the Context of Political instability and a Risky Transition

Tunisia-Economic situation and outlook in the current transition phase

Tunisia-Economic situation and outlook in the current transition phase