Intimate partner violence on campus-The Response of Connecticut Colleges & Universities

This document presents a survey on Intimate partner violence on campus-The Response of Connecticut Colleges & Universities. This survey was divided into four areas. The first section asked about policies and procedures already in place that relate to IPV and stalking. The second section asked about awareness and prevention activities regarding IPV and stalking at the institution, including who has been educated about IPV and stalking as well as some of the anti-violence events that occur on campus. The next section asked about Residential Life involvement in IPV and stalking, specifically training of resident assistants and hall directors. The last section asks about the institution itself and whether it sees IPV as a problem on their campus. Surveys were administered and analysed via Qualtrics and data was available upon completion. Statistical analyses included computing frequencies for each item.
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CAWTAR | 2019-06-10 08:08:08
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كلمات المفاتيح :
​Violence against women// Gende based violence//Intimate partner violence//Domestic violence//Sexual harassment// Education// Violence in schools// Violence in colleges // violence in universities// Discrimination// Sexual violence// Physical violence// Physical abuse//Psychological violence//Psychological harm//Verbal abuse//Sexual orientation//Gender identity//​