Guidelines for HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is issuing Guidelines for HIV/AIDS interventions in Emergency Settings to help individuals and organizations in their efforts to address the special needs of HIV-infected and HIV-affected people living in emergency situations. The Guidelines are based on the experiences of organizations of the UN system and their NGO partners, and reflect the shared vision that success can be achieved when resources are pooled and when all concerned work together.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-03-29 13:17:32
نوع الوثيقة
الأدلة التوجيهية
اللجنة الدائمة المشتركة بين الوكالات
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Reproductive Health // HIV AIDS//Refugees // Sexual Violence // Rape // Gender based violence​​​​​​​