Unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequity in health: why it exists and how we can change it-2007

This document presents the final report of the Women and Gender Equity Knowledge Network (WGEKN), 2007 on unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequity in health: why it exists and how we can change it. This report has shown that gender relations of power exist both within and outside the health sector, and exercise a pernicious influence on the health of people. It has drawn together the rapidly growing body of evidence that identifies and explains what gender inequality and inequity mean in terms of differential exposures and vulnerabilities for women versus men, and also how health care systems and health research reproduce these inequalities and inequities instead of resolving them. The consequences for people’s health are not only unequal and unjust, but also ineffective and inefficient. It has also documented the growing numbers of actions by non-governmental and governmental actors and agencies to challenge these injustices and to transform beliefs and practices within and outside the health sector in order to generate sustained changes that can improve people’s health and lives. In particular, it calls for support for women’s organisations that are critical to ensuring that women have voice and agency, that are often at the forefront of identifying problems and experimenting with innovative solutions, that prioritise demands for accountability from all actors, both public and private, and whose access to resources has been declining in recent years. The final report of the WGEKN identifies three sets of actions: (A) creating formal agreements, codes and laws to change norms that violate women’s human rights, and then implementing them; (B) adopting multi-level strategies to change norms including supporting women’s organisations; (C) working with boys and men to transform masculinist values and behaviour that harm women’s health and their own
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-11 16:07:59
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كلمات المفاتيح :
​Gender equity//Health and women// women’s movement//Civil society//NGO//Women rights// Human rights// gender mainstreaming//Gender equality//Indicator//Reproductive Rights//Reproductive health ​​​​