Trade, sustainable development and gender : Papers prepared in support of the themes discussed at the PreUNCTAD X Expert Workshop on Trade, Sustainable Development and Gender (Geneva, 12-13 July 1999).

The Pre-UNCTAD X Expert Workshop convened in Geneva focused on the theme of trade, sustainable development and gender. The meeting was organized in line with the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing and the Platform of Action (1995), the UNCTAD IX Midrand Declaration (1996) and the agreed conclusions on gender mainstreaming (ECOSOC, 1997). Its objectives were to: (i) promote an exchange of experiences and views on policy-related issues concerning the interrelationship between trade, sustainable development and gender; (ii) identify modalities as to how such issues could be addressed in UNCTAD’s work, both by the secretariat and by the intergovernmental machinery and (iii) formulate policy recommendations and measures for action intended to promote discussion at the intergovernmental level in the context of reparation for UNCTAD X.1 Member States were invited to nominate experts to the Workshop, who participated in their personal capacities. Specialized agencies and intergovernmental bodies as well as nongovernmental organizations which wished to participate as observers were also invited. The Expert Workshop attracted a wide geographical range of experts, covering all regions. Fifty-three experts came from thirty-nine States members of UNCTAD, and forty-three representatives of agencies and organizations of the United Nations system and of non-governmental organizations. An additional five resource persons provided substantive inputs to the general Workshop sessions and to the Working Groups. The meeting’s programme of work was organized around three main areas of interest and concern: globalization and gender; trade-related issues and gender; and specific problems of LDCs and gender. The presentation of papers and related discussions were undertaken in four open general sessions with the main issues arising given further detailed consideration by three Working Groups.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-10 13:51:05
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كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Women and economic participation///Trade//Gender//Women empowerment//Women rights//Investment//Sustainable development//Gender equality// Economic development//Employment//Globalization//Environment//Migration//Women entrepreneurs//Health//Trade development//Women and trade//Indicators​