Agreement on promotion, protection and guarantee of investments among member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference

The Agreement spells out the basic principles governing the promotion of capital transfers among member states and the protection of investments against commercial risks while guaranteeing the transfer of capital and its proceeds abroad. In particular, the agreement stipulates that the contracting parties shall permit the transfer of capitals among them and its utilization therein in the fields permitted for investment in accordance with their laws. The invested capital shall enjoy adequate protection and security and the host state shall give the necessary facilities and incentives to the investors engaged in activities therein. The investors of any contracting party shall enjoy, within the context of economic activity in which they have employed their investments in the territories of another contracting party, a treatment not less favourable than the treatment accorded to investors belonging to another State not party to this Agreement, in the context of that activity and in respect of rights and privileges accorded to those investors.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-08 14:43:06
نوع الوثيقة
اتفاقيات التبادل التجاري الحر
منظمة الأمم المتحدة
كلمات المفاتيح :
​/Economic relations//Agreements on promotion, protection and guarantee of investments //Free Trade//Liberalisation of trade//Trade relations//Bilateral cooperation//Organization of Islamic Conference// Is​​lamic countries/​​​