Levels and Trends in Child Mortality: Report 2018

This report is the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation 2018 estimates on child mortality among children under age 5 and children aged 5-14. Despite progress over the past quarter-century, millions of newborns, children and young adolescents die every year, mostly of preventable or treatable causes such as infectious diseases and injuries. These deaths reflect the limited access of children and communities to basic health interventions sund young adolescent deaths. The monitoring of child and young adolescent survival requires continual improvement in the measurement of mortality, particularly in countries that lack timely and accurate mortality data. Reliable estimates of child and young adolescent mortality at the national, regional and global level are necessary for evidence-based policymaking to improve the survival chances of the world’s children. In the absence of reliable vital registration data in many countries . Therefore, mortality rates among children and young adolescents are not only key indicators for child and young adolescent well-being, but, more broadly, for sustainable social and economic development. While concerted efforts aimed at improving child survival have driven large reductions in mortality levels among children under 5 years of age as well as for children and young adolescents aged 5–14 in recent decades, persistent and intolerably high numbers of child and young adolescent deaths mean more work remains to be done to address the specific survival needs of children and young adolescents. The global community recognizes the crucial need to end preventable child deaths, making it an essential part of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescent’s Health (2016–2030) and the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all people at all ages. Achieving the ambitious child survival goals requires ensuring universal access to safe, effective, high-quality and affordable care for women, children and adolescents.
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CAWTAR | 2019-02-02 13:22:18
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(منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة (اليونسيف
كلمات المفاتيح :
/Children rights// Health// Reproductive Health//Adolescents// Child Mortality//Sustainable development goal//Social ​Development//Indicators/​