Economic Development of the Poor and the Unemployed : Forsa Program

This document presents Forsa Program "the Economic Empowerment of the Poor and Most Vulnerable in Egypt (FoRSA)". The objective of the program is to support the availability and accessibility of income generation opportunities to the poor and most vulnerable, while focusing on their economic empowerment and on fostering an enabling environment to comprehensive local development. The mission of Forsa is to empower, connect and build a conducive environment for local communities to succeed and to contribute to businesses development, employment creation and income generation opportunities.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2019-02-02 12:46:46
كلمات المفاتيح :
/ Economic participation // Economic empowerment/ /Employment//Poverty eradication// Social protection/Economic development//Local economic development//Sustainable development//Local governance//Micro-finances//Entrepreneurship//Trade //Egypt/​​