Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

This document presents a Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. The Academic Training Guide is destined to promote and facilitate the incorporation of academic content about FMG/C in different university degrees such as medicine, nursing, education, psychology, social work, law, criminology, anthropology, international cooperation for development, gender and feminist studies, communication and journalism. The Guide has been drafted by teaching and research staff from different disciplines connected to the Rey Juan Carlos University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Rome Tre University, the University Institute of Lisbon and the Vrij Universiteit Brussel, and experts from two specialized foundations with an ample trajectory in the intervention field (Wassu-UAB Foundation and Angello Celli Foundation). The aim of the Guide is to offer, in a structured and accessible way, teaching contents for the training of future professionals that can play a key role in the prevention and abandonment of the practice and the assistance to women and girls. In that sense, it can be useful to the university teaching staff, to the academic authorities or to the students interested in acquiring academic and professional knowledge specialized on the subject. Its multisector character derives from the participation of authors coming from different disciplines, with various conceptual and epistemological focuses. The plurality of perspectives gathered in this guide reflect the intensity of academic debates and the complexity of the theoretical and practical dilemmas that the abandonment of the FGM/C poses, both in the countries of origin and in hosting countries.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:15:36
نوع الوثيقة
الأدلة التوجيهية
كلمات المفاتيح :
​Femal genital mutilation//Gender besed violence//Violence against women//International human rights//Sexuality//Marriagehability// Domestic violence//Rape//Sexual abuse//Forced marriage//Honour killing// Discrimination against women//Human rights//Women rights​​