Gender Based Violence Against Women and Girls Displaced by the Syrian Conflict in South Lebanon and North Jordan: Scope of Violence and Health Correlates

This document presents a the results of research conducted with female refugees living in North Jordan and South Lebanon who are Syrian Nationals (SN) and Palestinian Refugees from Syria (PRS) as well as gender based violence (GBV) case workers who provide services to refugee women and girls who experience GBV. Through focus group discussions, interviews, and clinic-based surveys, they have examined the scope of violence perpetrated against women and girl refugees from Syria living in Tyre, Saida, Ajloun, and Jerash; the intersection of reproductive health and gender based violence; perceptions of help sources among PRS and SN in these locations; and support services provided to PRS and SN female refugees who experience GBV This research forms the basis of recommendations for service providers, researchers, and donors in these specific areas of Lebanon and Jordan. This report is divided into three main sections. The first section reviews the context which influences women and girls’ experience of GBV in these specific areas of North Jordan and South Lebanon. The second section details the findings of the study as they relate to the scope of violence in public and private spaces, women’s health and access to health services, and women’s help seeking behaviors and experiences with help seeking. Finally, section three includes the conclusions of the research and recommendations for research opportunities to support PRS and Syrian refugee women and girls who experience GBV living in the study areas in North Jordan and South Lebanon.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 08:44:08
نوع الوثيقة
AECID: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo
كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender Based violence//Female refugees//Palestinian Refugees//Reproductive Heath//Sexual violence//Sexual harassment//Physical violence//Psychological violence//Verbal violence//Economic violence//Violence in Private Spaces//Rape//Indicator//Violence and Pregnancy//Child marriage// Violence in armed conflict