Protecting the Rights of Women in the ESCWA Region Through the Proper Use of UN Resolutions and International Protocols on War and Armed Conflict

This document presents a study on Protecting the Rights of Women in the ESCWA Region Through the Proper Use of UN Resolutions and International Protocols on War and Armed Conflict. This study examines international human rights instruments and mechanisms related to the protection of the rights of women living in conflict situations and their relevance and applicability in the ESCWA region. It also makes recommendations to ESCWA member countries and the international community on the development of policies and programmes aimed at protecting the rights of women in conflict situations. The recommendations also urged member countries to enact special legislation pertaining to the family, nationality and freedom of movement; to ratify CEDAW and its Optional Protocol and all war-related conventions and instruments; to adopt special measures to address the physical, economic and social challenges of refugee women; and to ensure that women are included in all aspects of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction efforts.
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 12:01:03
نوع الوثيقة
المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين
كلمات المفاتيح :
Women's rights //CADAW//Rights of women’s in the conflict situation// Arab countries//Rape// Sexual violence// Sexual harassment// Violence against women // Gender based violence// Forced marriage//Verbal violence//Physical violence//Psychological violence//Economic violence//political violence//Forced marriage//Early marriage// Female genital mutilation//Political participation of women// Participation of women in decision-making// Participation of women in community life//Women’s Labor rights//Shelter//International instruments//Justice//Gender and Women Issues//Women Peace and Security