Triangle of change: the situation of women in Saudi Arabia

This document represents a paper about the situation of women in Saudi Arabia. The reform agenda has taken some important steps, even though it has not fulfilled all of the aspirations of women in Saudi Arabia. Saudi women, especially those who advocate for more reforms, acknowledge the progress in recent years. This has included more women in the job market, the opening of some spaces of study (i.e. law), the acknowledgement of female political participation and the opening up of new opportunities for women. While some argue that the changes introduced are insufficient, the social, economic, legal and even historical factors that create this marginalisation have been accumulating over the last few decades and cannot be changed overnight or simply by rapidly introducing a series of royal decrees. Recent developments related to all three factors discussed above signal the prospects for more changes to be made to the situation of women in Saudi Arabia
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:57:49
نوع الوثيقة
الورقات العلمية
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science(IJHSS)
كلمات المفاتيح :
Political participation// Opportunities for women// Gender based violence// women's rights // Family law// Saudi Arabia// Political violence//Economic Violence