The women’s rights champion-Tunisia’s potential for furthering women’s rights

This document represents a paper on Tunisia’s potential for furthering women’s rights. Since adoption of the 2014 constitution, women activists and legal practitioners seem confident that they have the tools at hand to safeguard – and even further – the position of women in Tunisia. The deletion of draft article 2.28 and the inclusion of articles 21 (setting forth equality of men and women) and 46 (committing to strength women’s rights) are seen as victories for the women’s movement. More importantly, Tunisia’s removal of special reservations to CEDAW opens up the possibility for judges to rule in favour of full equality for women in cases where domestic law still lags behind international standards. Nonetheless, for this to happen, judges (including female judges) need to be educated about the possibilities for women’s advancement under the legal system. As the head of the Judges Union has states, “It is mainly women who can advance women’s rights” (interview with Abidi, 4 May 2015).
أضيفت بواسطة
CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:57:46
نوع الوثيقة
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)
كلمات المفاتيح :
Women’s rights // Human rights //Violence against women // Gender based violence// Marital rape// Sexual violence//Indicator//Family law// Marital violence//Marital rape//Women rights// Family laws//International instruments //Domestic violence//CEDAW//Criminal law// Code of personal status// women’s movement//Physical violence//Psychological violence//Verbal violence//political violence// unequal inheritance//Economic violence