Trafficking of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon: A Legal Analysis, by Kathleen Hamill

The study seeks to address human trafficking for labor exploitation in particular. The primary objective is to identify and analyze the key factors that make migrant domestic workers vulnerable to human trafficking within the context of Lebanon. In doing so, this study aims to encourage further research and analysis.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:53:56
نوع الوثيقة
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كلمات المفاتيح :
Women migrant domestic workers //Gender-based violence// Sexual Violence// Sexual Exploitation of women// Domestic violence// Child sexual abuse//Violence against women // trafficking in women // Sexual exploitation//Physical harm //Sexual abuse // Psychological violence//Economic violence// Physique violence// Victims of violence// Economic violence // Rape// Sexual harassment // Indicator//Policy makers//Human rights//Women rights//Forced labor//Symbolique violence//Servitude//