The Effects of Socialization on Gender Discrimination and Violence- A Case Study from Lebanon

The research paper provides a detailed and critical understanding of the social context behind gender-based violence, with eye-opening results and a call for action. Key findings include: women’s role as seen in terms of dedication and devotion to their families, a role which grants them trust; men’s role as provider, decision-maker and protector. Some men consider themselves victims of certain socialization patterns, while others enjoy the power their position provides and use violence to defend their vanishing role
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:53:03
نوع الوثيقة
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كلمات المفاتيح :
Gender discrimination// Violence against women // Gender based violence// Victims of violence// Women's rights // Rights of victims of violence //Domestic Violence Act // Gender discrimination// Domestic violence//Socialization and violence// Patriarchal systems// Exploitation// Gender role stereotypes// Honour killing// Sexual assault// Psychological violence// Physical violence//Sexual violence// Economic violence//Gender inequalities// Empowerment//Verbal abuse//