Cases of Femicide before Lebanese Courts

This study comes from within the context and scope of the collective efforts and activities undertaken by KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation, as an organization. Through this study, KAFA aims to shed light on some of the crimes committed against women and girls within the context of the family structure and its relations. It also aims to provide some understanding of the background and circumstances surrounding these crimes and the manner in which these cases are dealt with by the Lebanese judicial system. Maybe we can begin to repay part of a long due debt owed to these women victims, who found no one to defend them and protect them from the clutches of this patriarchal society. In these efforts, maybe we can honour them by seeking the legal instruments that will deter such crimes, which are proof of the failure of our state in providing adequate protection for its citizens, and at the very least, its failure in executing the obligations of international conventions and treaties to which it has committed itself.
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CAWTAR | 2017-12-22 11:52:46
نوع الوثيقة
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كلمات المفاتيح :
Violence against women // Violence Based Gender// Murder // Honor killings //Sexual Violence//Gender equality // Domestic violence// Psychological violence//Economic violence // Physical violence //Abuse // Victims of violence// Economic violence//Rrape // Women's rights// Torture// Penal Code//Human Rights //Indicator